As a leader, you are craving time to press pause, to step back, to breathe.
You welcome perspective and challenge.
There are many, complex demands on your time and energy and navigating leadership through uncertainty can be challenging. We are still learning to adapt to the new ways of working and addressing the changing needs of the workforce.
You are likely very good at what you do, at delivering results, at motivating the team. But at what cost?
Really good at what you do but with no time to think?
Sound familiar?
I see leaders like this all the time. Bloody brilliant at what they do. Keeping going. Addressing the challenges, meeting the needs and expectations.
At what point do you create space and prioritise time to think, time to resource yourself as leader?
These are not skills that we are taught. But for future fit and conscious leaders, these are skills that need to be learnt.
Not all coaching is about more, faster, better.
I believe that the need of this time is to support leaders to show up in this complex world.
As your thinking partner, I will hold that space for you to think, to think with depth and breadth. With perspective and challenge. With no judgement. With no need to be right in that moment.
Creating space to slow down, to build in a buffer to think, can sometimes feel like a luxury…
Resourcing yourself as a leader is fundamental when leading through these volatile, uncertain times.
I like to think of it as slow coaching.
Not all coaching is developmental. Not all coaching is about more, faster, better.
Slow coaching can seem at odds with the organisational and societal culture that wants more, faster. You might even feel uncomfortable with giving yourself permission to slow down – just for a moment.
As a highly experienced leadership coach, working with me 1:1 will help you to:
Create space and time to think
Consider your specific challenges in a safe space
Feel more centred and grounded, a better foundation for effective leadership
Be more courageous in having both the difficult and human-centric conversations
Feel more resilient in navigating uncertainty and complexities within your role
Gain clarity on the way forward with your specific challenges
Have increased levels of self-awareness as a leader, allowing you to lead more authentically and intentionally
develop a more systemic way of thinking, moving beyond the immediacy of now
As your Thinking Partner through coaching, I will hold a systemic lens, challenge your thinking and push your perspective. You will feel lighter, re-energised, re-focused and reflective.
When we see differently, we think differently and then we can behave differently.
The benefits of Conscious Leadership Coaching:
Clarity of thought and a freedom accessing your own wisdom
You will feel refreshed, energised, re-focused, lighter
You will feel grounded and centred and a bit less burnt out
You will feel like a better and more authentic leader, better able to show up into the complexities and uncertainties.