The Restorative Nature of Coach Supervision

The benefits of coach supervision for the coach, their clients and their system are extensive and yet, above them all the restorative function of coach supervision, whether group or 1:1, is the common thread.

Sometimes, I find it hard to write what I want to say about Supervision. I don’t want to sound preachy to those who don’t engage with supervision. And I don’t want to sound ‘Salesy’ - as that just goes against the grain for me.


Yet I do want to speak about coach supervision and the consistent restorative nature of that reflective practice. I’ll share my own experience of it and why it has been such an integral part of my own coaching practice since being a coach-in-training, why I am such an advocate for the role of supervision in our coaching practice.

So sometimes I trip myself up. So much to say but often finding it hard to put words down in writing. So let me try…


I do want to speak to the joy of supervision as a place for reflective practice, for widening perspective, for resourcing self as coach.

Peace. Gratitude. Ease. Re-centred. Re-grounded. Clear. Lighter. Re-energised. More confident.

This is how I typically feel after my own Supervision. And coaches regularly check-out with after supervision sessions - whether it is group or 1:1.


Whether coaches bring a case, or self as coach, an ethical dilemma, their coaching practice - I observe that coaching is always restorative in nature. We may focus on competence or capacity or tools and interventions. We may focus on what we notice in the work.

Curious reflection is always there. And the restorative nature of the thinking always emerges by the end.

Personally, I engage in a blend of supervision models - 1:1, group, a peer chain. Each brings different perspectives, each creates space for reflective practice, a richness as each pushes my thinking in different ways.


And after each session, I always feel grounded in my practice and thinking - in service firstly of myself as coach and therefore, in service of my clients.

If you want to find out more about how 1:1 or Group Supervision with me, do get in touch. I’d love to chat and tell you more.


Accreditation: should I bother?


There is something about ease…